Distillery and brewery pulse-enriched by-product qualities



    This research focuses on the role of pulses in enriching brewery and distillery by-products increasing their values in terms of nutrition, profitability and creating products for new markets.

    By-products obtained from both lab scale investigations and commercial breweries and distilleries were analysed in regards to their nutritional value for animal feed including: -
    1) Comparison of protein concentration and amino acid profiles of typical brewery and distillery by-products to those produced from pulses.
    2) Investigation into the impact of distillery insoluble material removal timing on by-product quality.

    Trials of separating and purification techniques were also conducted.

    Certain aspects of this research have been published open access - see research outputs related to this project. The full dataset cannot be made openly available because it relates to commercially sensitive data associated with Arbikie Distilling Ltd. Access to the dataset may be possible for authenticated researchers under specific conditions.
    Date made available17 Aug 2022
    PublisherAbertay University
    Date of data production2014 - 2020


    • Pulse
    • Legume
    • Brewing
    • Distilling
    • By-product
    • Protein

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