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Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

I am interested in how children develop maths knowledge, especially in the early years. My research looks at the different developmental trajectories of children from disadvantaged backgrounds compared to their more affluent peers. I am interested in how maths anxiety, growth mindsets and attitudes of significant adults can affect children's developing numeracy skills.

Conference presentations

Abertay University Graduate School Conference 2016


Growth mindset: Does the past matter?

PsyPag Conference 2017: Northumbria University


Does attachment security affect development of a growth mindset in primary school children?

Growth Mindset showcase Event 2017: Dundee Ice Arena


The effect of attachment security style on development of growth mindsets in primary school children

Abertay University Graduate School Conference 2018


Effects of attitudes, mindset, and anxiety on children’s maths performance

MCLS 2019 (Ottawa, Canada)

Poster presentation: 

Effects of attitudes, mindset, and anxiety on children’s maths performance: A pilot study

Dawn Short, Janet McLean & Clare Cunningham

Talk: Effects of attitudes, mindset, and anxiety on children’s maths performance

Abertay University Graduate School Conference 2019


Can maths anxiety begin at 4 years old?

BPS CogDev 2019 Conference (Stoke-on-Trent)

Poster presentation: Can Maths Anxiety Begin at Age 4 years?

BPS Annual Conference 2019 Harrogate


Effects of attitudes, mindset, and anxiety on children’s numeracy attainment: a pilot study

MCLS 2020 (virtual)


Attitude and attainment: Exploring how attainment is affected by maths attitudes in primary school children, their teachers, and their care-givers


Numerical mapping ability – what can it tell us?


BPS CogDev 2019 Maths anxiety affects a third of young children



Employment History

Nov ’19 to present: Exam Invigilator

May ’18 to May ’20: Abertay University: Teaching Fellow

Planned and ran various psychology tutorial groups and assisted in psychology     research methods lab classes. Marked and graded course works.

Nov ’17 to May ’18: Abertay University: Research Fellow

Evaluation of efficacy of a homework and hot meal club provided in 5 Dundee schools in deprived areas of the city, by conducting health and wellbeing activities and literacy and numeracy assessments. Analysis and dissemination of this data plus report writing with recommended next steps.

May '17 to August ‘17: Abertay University: Research Fellow

Analysis of admission and application data using SPSS and Excel. Collection of data by running interviews, focus groups and surveys. Analysis and dissemination of this data plus report writing with recommended next steps.

Mar '16 to May '17: Abertay University: Teaching Fellow:

Assisted lecturers in undergraduate tutorial classes (Psychology Research Methods; Animal Behaviour) and marked undergraduate course works.

Summer 2012: Abertay University: Research Volunteer

Recruited and tested participants from out with the University. Used Fantamorph software for participant testing on the laterality specific valence effect.

2001 to 2010:  Classroom Assistant, Monifieth High School:

             Supported individual and small groups of children in small group and class settings



Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 4 - Quality Education

Education/Academic qualification

Education, PGCertHET; FHEA, Enhancing student engagement and understanding using student response systems

31 Oct 201730 May 2019

Award Date: 24 Jun 2019

Psychology, Masters by Research, Does attachment style affect development of a growth mindset in primary school children?, Abertay University

Award Date: 12 Dec 2016


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