
Kayleigh MacLeod (Artist), Robin Griffiths* (Artist), Gareth Robinson* (Developer)

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Non-textual formSoftware


A Reprogrammable World
Glitchspace is about reprogramming the game to solve puzzles. Trapped in an abstract cyberspace world, your way forward uses visual programming to edit environmental geometry, whilst unlocking key programming concepts along the way. Stretch, scale, rotate, manipulate and create, explore a world of reprogrammable geometry as you discover your way home, ever distant on the horizon.
-A Reprogrammable World - Explore a cyberspace world of reprogrammable geometry.
-A Reprogrammable Tool - Enhance your toolbox through the functions you unlock, allowing you to craft your own programs.
-A Programming Experience - Discover key programming concepts through the puzzles you solve.
-A Brian Eno inspired score, coupled with a lifelike soundscape.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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