Sight for sore eyes

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOtherpeer-review


Sight for Sore Eyes is a 10-print folio. Each print is a 12 x 12 cm embossing slotted into individual pages of an accordion style book. The overall size of the closed book is 15 x 15 x 2 cm. When fully opened it is 150cm long.

The work is an homage to the Ishihara Test for Colour Blindness. Using embossing instead of colour as with the Ishihara Test which categorised viewers into fully sighted or colour blind, the prints of Sight for Sore Eyes use embossing to create monochromatic visuals and a tactile surface explorable by touch. Each print in the folio contains an embossed number between 0-9 set in its representative Braille pattern. The raised dots of the numbers are accompanied by scores of various sized outlined circles that both obfuscate and compliment the raised dots. This is akin to the effect of the various coloured dots of the Ishihara Test that allows numbers to be both seen and hidden depending on the viewer's visual acuity.

Sight for Sore Eyes is inspired by my previous work with the Arts and Craft Group at the Dundee Blind and Partially Sighted Society. That work with the group led to artistic explorations of Braille and other forms of tactile messaging and into aspects of sight and perception including colour blindness and anaglyph 3D. This work unites the visual and the tactile, allowing inclusive exploration by the sighted, partially sighted and the blind.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 21 Sept 2022
EventIMPACT 12 International Printmaking Conference: The Printmakers' Voice - online and Centre for Print Research, at the University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom
Duration: 21 Sept 202225 Sept 2022


ConferenceIMPACT 12 International Printmaking Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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