title = "Team and group work: a student perspective of assessment and management",
abstract = "Group work within academic programmes is often seen as a key component for the development of essential transferable skills. However, many students often suggest that assessments that involve group work are unfair. This study sought to obtain a student perspective on a range of group work examples undertaken across the university to inform best practice. A student focus group representing a cross section of programmes and level of study was established to identify what they believed were key priorities for group work. They identified four main areas for consideration, preparation, allocation to group, ongoing support and assessment. For each of the main areas they suggested how these should be operationalised. From these findings a questionnaire will be developed to gain a wider student and staff perspective.",
author = "Yvette Wharton and Janet Horrocks and Claire MacEachen and Andrea Szymkowiak",
year = "2021",
month = dec,
day = "10",
language = "English",
note = "SRHE Annual Conference 2021 : (Re)Connecting, (Re)Building: Higher Education In Transformative Times ; Conference date: 06-12-2021 Through 10-12-2021",
url = "https://srhe.ac.uk/civicrm/?civiwp=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/event/info&reset=1&id=550",